Archives for the month of: February, 2014

If you’re afraid of tarot and have never had your cards read, then I would suggest finding a reader (such as myself) who focuses on the positive and reads from the light (verses the dark). I always share any warnings or situations that might need to come to an end, but only because that needs to happen before you get what you desire. I focus my readings on your desires and share the path you need to take to get there.
Readings are not set in stone and can be changed if you so desire. You create your own reality. I’m just here to shine some light on the direction you are currently going.
I wanted to share this because I have had very positive feedback from “seekers” (those coming to me with questions) that were previously scared of tarot. Now they understand that it’s all about choosing a reader that makes them feel comfortable. Once those “scary cards” are explained, there is nothing to fear.

Understanding diminishes fear.

Have a fantastic Wednesday.
Love and Light. Xoxo


Did you know that Tarot reading is illegal in some cities?

I changed the name of this blog for legal reasons. I will not be able to obtain a business license in the city of Long Beach, CA under the title of “Tarot Reader.” Therefore I will be applying for a business license as a “Spiritual Life Coach.” Tarot just happens to be one of the tools I use in my business. I find this a blessing because I plan to go far beyond tarot. Why limit myself?

I find it interesting that my passions are so taboo. As a gay woman, with a loving wife, and a career focused on the metaphysical, it’s a good thing I’m confident and pretty fearless.

As I enter into this business I’m creating, I know that I will attract the right people to me. People will be drawn to me that appreciate a positive, honest approach to life. People who follow me will be ready to take control of their own lives, and make it the best life they can.

The sky is not the limit, because there is no limit.

Thank you for following.  If this doesn’t sound like you, I wish you the best in finding what you seek.


Much love,

Ani von Witt

Ani Head Shot2

von Witt Tarot is officially beginning to schedule Tarot Parties!

Tarot Party Invite

Host a party for eight of your friends and receive a FREE reading!

Contact Ani von Witt to schedule your own Tarot Party.
(local to Los Angeles and Orange County)
